Specializing in custom designs, Judy Sadler's Cheerleader Designs is a one-stop spirit shop. Judy Sadler has been designing and manufacturing cheerleader uniforms for squads throughout Texas since 1985 ... composing the uniforms from discussions, drawings, or photos. Many little sister uniforms have been made from a picture of big sister.

Judy’s experience as a cheerleader along with her exposure to her parents approach, who were both master tailors…placed her in the unique position to understand the requirements for cheerleader uniforms and to focus her talents on achieving a good fit for every cheerleader.

In addition to made to order cheerleader uniforms, Judy Sadlers Cheerleader Designs has a “brick and mortar” location for all cheerleader and school spirit needs including custom made bling jerseys, cheer bears, big bows, spirit gifts, letter jackets, patches, car decals, yard signs and megaphones, just for a start.
Enjoy and thanks for stopping by.